Solutions for Business
Open source for business? Affordable and effective. Save yourself expensive experiments and invest now in the e-learning future – with ILIAS. More and more businesses are turning to ILIAS – and for good reasons.
More and more businesses are switching to ILIAS in order to profit from the software's certified SCORM support and its high degree of flexibility and adaptability.
The Generali Insurance company has been using ILIAS since 2014 as the company's central qualification platform. The Generali Online Academy today regulates the training management for all distribution channels and also gives a overview of the complete educational programme available. ILIAS is used to map routes to qualifications with certificates and also to manage all the necessary resources for trainers, participants, materials and hotels.
The Duisburg-based KROHNE Group offers an open further-education platform on the topic of measurement technology. Over 12,000 users from around the world have already taken advantage of the SCORM learning modules on offer. Users who pass a test at the end of their module get a certificate generated by ILIAS.
Malik Management, St. Gallen, Switzerland, specialises in first class further education for managers and executives. Malik uses ILIAS's learning-plan function to structure self-study phases. Tutors are able to take into consideration the individual time and work schedules of their students, without losing control of the overall process of the course.
ILIAS is the central and structure-giving element of Skyguide's (Swiss air traffic control) e-learning scenario. The system is used not only to make online modules available. The deployment of CBTs and locally installed software applications are also initiated and managed via ILIAS.
The Italian machine manufacturer SACMI uses ILIAS as a Knowledge Management System. Members of staff and users of the machines that are in use world-wide are able to access SACMI's dynamic product knowledge.
In contrast to many other learning-management systems, with ILIAS you profit from a vibrant community. Those responsible for your IT can get the help and support they need – but can also delve deeper into the material themselves and optimise the didactic and technical utilisation of the LMS for your business. In the ILIAS Society you can find out about the experiences other businesses have had using ILIAS. You can also profit by interacting with other businesses at our conferences, regional user meetings and the Special Interest Group “ILIAS im Unternehmen“ (ILIAS for Businesses). Avoid expensive mistakes and use e-learning effectively from the very beginning.
Professional support
Our service provider network has been working with and developing ILIAS for years now and is able to provide you with reliable and efficient support. Installation, maintenance, hosting, training sessions and adjustments are all available according to your requirements.
Security and data protection
With ILIAS, your business's and employees' data is optimally protected – regardless whether hosted on your own server or with one of our Premium Partners. ILIAS can easily be utilised so that it conforms to European data protection regulations (GDPR), and in comparison with many cloud-based solutions, YOU stay in full control.
Fully adaptable to your corporate image...
Colours, logos, icons and fonts can be adjusted according to your requirements, either by your marketing department or one of our service providers.
…and your use cases!
From the simple SCORM Player to the the complete collaboration tool, ILIAS can be utilised flexibly. Its integrated approach means that you can use all its tools straight away without extra cost or effort. Should you wish to implement a special scenario for your users, then ILIAS' plug-in interface opens almost limitless possibilities.
Reducing costs with the open-source LMS ILIAS at Generali Insurance

At Generali Insurance they want to offer staff training quickly, efficiently and targeted to specific user groups. Previously, e-learning and face-to-face training were two separate offers, but that is to change – the two will be combined into one system and members of staff will be able to book training sessions themselves.
ILIAS makes this possible: As Thomas Marchall from Generali explains “The self-service functions such as booking and cancelling training sessions, along with all the subsequent resulting processes, result in significant savings compared to how things used to be.”
Important ILIAS features for businesses
The requirements made of a learning management system vary greatly depending on the what it is being used for. With ILIAS you have a tried and trusted system, with all important features already integrated. You can, however, decide to limit or even completely deactivate the features of your choice, according to user rights. ILIAS makes everything possible, without overwhelming you. Among our most popular features for business use:
Reliable standards
The LMS ILIAS natively supports SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 as players and as development environments for your learning modules.
Roles and rights
Organise your staff with the help of roles that only allow access to specific content and tools. Mirror your organisational structure in ILIAS – allow direct superiors access to their team's data and protect the content of others.
Award certificates for successfully-completed courses and tests. Connect your personnel administration with ILIAS and enrol staff for required training automatically.