• The ILIAS Society
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ILIAS is open source software and as such can be downloaded, used indefinitely and adapted by anyone - all free from license fees. The ILIAS Society (ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.) was founded to ensure the reliable and sustainable further development of the software.

The society coordinates the complete development of the software and the testing process and also sets the rules by which new features are implemented and bugs corrected. The various bodies of the society additionally deal with the long-term development strategy and the online help. Society funds are used to finance especially important features and technical innovations.

With your membership in the ILIAS Society you are supporting the sustainable development of ILIAS. You get a vote in the general meeting of members and can therefore actively help shape the future direction the software takes. Institutional members additionally get the opportunity to prioritise bugs so that these are dealt with more swiftly. Some of our Premium Partners also offer society members special conditions.

It is worth taking a look at our by-laws.

Select the membership type that best suits you and become a member of the ILIAS Society today!

Simply download the appropriate membership application form, fill it in and send it to the office

For €4000 per year businesses, universities, administrations and other institutions support ILIAS and its development as society members. Thanks to the non-profit status of the society, this contribution is tax-deductible. Your advantages:

  • A seat on the Advisory Council and influence on further development of the software
  • Ensure the independence of the software
  • Taking part in decision-making at the annual general meeting
  • Reduced participation fee for all relatives at the ILIAS conference
  • Opportunity to share knowledge and experience with other institutions
  • Acquisition of partners to improve own desired features
  • Prioritised handling of reported bugs
  • Discounted services from some Premium Partners

Fill out a membership application now! (PDF)

You can find all information on membership fees and possible discounts in our membership fee schedule.